kozmic rant

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I read this blog in the afternoon today and the noble thoughts moved me. The blog in question takes an example of a poor cobbler and goes on to talk about the lack of fairness in this world. No, we are not talking about the colour of skin here but the economic disparity. My rant follows:

If God indeed loves all his children(?), why does he need to make them suffer? Let us take example of the same cobbler mentioned in the blog in question. Well, it could be that God is intentionally evil. If not, then God is punishing him for his past misdeeds. And if He has chosen to punish him, would we be not going against God by helping the poor man. Because God is trying to deliver his justice and by helping we are impeding the process of justice.
An even deeper paradox would arise if being poor is not a virtue in itself. Because if not, the poor man would rarely get means to do good, and thus his chances of getting better in the next avatar would be even worse.


  • Didn't say that being poor is a virtue or that being wealthy indicates lack of it.

    By Blogger Gitanjali, at 10:48 PM  

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