kozmic rant

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Da Vinci code

Finally the movie is arriving and the people are making a furore over the movie. The movie is considered blasphemous because it questions the very basis of christianity. And the christians want a ban on the screening of the movie. I wouldn't have found it strange if this was happening in Europe or the Americas. But its happening here in India.

What I find strange is that the christians of India consider Indian system of Gods a mythology but have never ascribed a similar word for Jesus. As for myself, I do not find the mythology part offending because I feel that the people of the yore had probably invented such a system as fiction but with time people have forgotten the context and started believing that fiction as real events of the past. But I certainly dislike the double standards that such people take while ascribing to others' religions. These people who want India to ban display of this movie do not for a second hesitate from preaching against Indian system of beliefs on Indian cable television in Kerala and other places where they are evangelizing with full rigour. These people did not for a second challenge the claims of these evangelizers when they went ranting against Hindu beliefs. But they would be the first to protest against a movie which comes from the land where Christianity is practised as a majority religion.


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