kozmic rant

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


For no particular reason I searched for kamala das today. Read a few of her poems. And could not help feeling impressed. Earlier had read somewhere that she does not waste words in her writings. Got some sense of what that possibly meant by reading her poetry. I am impressed with the way she puts her sublime thoughts into words. Am planning to read more of her. Two examples of her poetry copied from another place:

I cannot fold
my wayward limbs to crawl into
coffins of religions.
I shall die, I know,
but only when I tire of love;
tire of life and laughter.
Then fling me into a pit
six feet by two,
do not bother to leave any epitaph for me.

The Maggots (from The Descendants)

At sunset, on the river ban, Krishna
Loved her for the last time and left...

That night in her husband's arms, Radha felt
So dead that he asked, What is wrong,
Do you mind my kisses, love? And she said,
No, not at all, but thought, What is
It to the corpse if the maggots nip?


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